System Check
This project is a finished design for a system check and was part of a re-design for a candidate online exam experience. Before taking an online exam, the candidate must check their device settings to ensure that they will have no issues on exam day.
This project contains the first concept for the feature (below) which began in 2020. The final and released feature is shown further down the page and this was re-visited and delivered in 2022/2023.
Early concepts
The initial concepts began in 2020 which are shown below but by early 2021, the project was taken off the Roadmap and it was de-prioritised. The troubleshooting screen was designed with the purpose of guiding the user to take their own action if they experienced any technical difficulty without having to contact support.
MVP for the Final System Check 2022-2023
This is the final designs for the released version of the system check on our app. The next release will include troubleshooting.
Responsive Design for Mobile
Once the system check was implemented into the desktop app, I began designing concepts for the mobile version of the app. It is so important for the candidate to have a consistent user experience when completing a system check whether that is on the desktop app or mobile. The only differences between both apps is there is less checks on the mobile app. The design is the same but it ensures a smooth and positive user experience for an exam candidate.
*Disclaimer: The TestReach mobile app does not exist yet, so this was research into it potentially happening in the future.
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